The Real Truffle Hunters Ltd

Direct from the Hunter

Truffle Dogs: Solving Problems by Identifying the Training Areas

Comparisons and Disappointment Previous truffle training videos on our channel set out the steps you can follow to teach your dog how to sniff out truffles. To make these steps as clear as possible,, I used a dog, Allan, who had already been taught what to do. As these episodes were simply meant to be …

Truffle Dogs: Solving Problems by Identifying the Training Areas Read More »

Lagotto Truffle Training – How It Really Works!

There are several videos on this channel on the topic of truffle dog training. In these, a pre-trained dog  demonstrates the steps to teach your dog how to sniff out truffles. However in this short episode, Jess the lagotto has no prior training. Rather than simply going through the various stages, this video looks at …

Lagotto Truffle Training – How It Really Works! Read More »

The Great Truffle Oil Swindle (video)

During the 1990’s, truffle oil seemed to be everywhere. Seen as a cheaper alternative to genuine truffles, the oil was used in high-end restaurants by Michelin starred chefs. Suddenly in the mid 00’s, no reputable chef would touch the stuff. This video looks at how truffle oil fell out of favour

Truffling Etiquette – The Unwritten Laws For Hunters

A lot has been written about the darker aspects of truffle hunting in the last few years. Stories about dog-poisoning, GBH and arson attacks make for interesting reading at the best of times. All the more so when the incidents offer an insight into a very secretive circle that few have access to. Thankfully these dramatic episodes are hardly a representative insight into the fungus hunters\ world. The majority of truffling goes off with little more sensational than a pair of ripped trousers or a sandwich getting stolen by one of the dogs.

What are White Truffles?

There are two main kinds of white truffle that grow in different seasons. The white spring and the white autumn truffle. The latter is sometimes called the Alba truffle although this can be misleading.

white truffles
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